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Droned Lives, from Gaza to the World

1729335251 from E-INTREL

Gaza has been an open-air prison camp since at least 2005, but it is current drone use that makes it an example par excellence of how life can be managed by air occupation.

Opinion – The Concept of Soft Power and AI

1729333963 from E-INTREL

AI’s understanding of soft power shows insightful and concerning developments at once.

Opinion – The Role of Smart Power and Collective Action in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

1729274377 from E-INTREL

Through a strategic mix of hard and soft strategies, Muslim-majority nations have the potential to recalibrate both U.S. and Israeli policies.

Game Theory and Non-Alignment: India’s Position in the Russia-Ukraine War

1729273832 from E-INTREL

For India, non-alignment followed by no retaliation in the war represents the Subgame Perfect Equilibrium, balancing diverse interests in a complex geopolitical context.

Opinion – Civil Society Participation in International Criminal Justice

1729193286 from E-INTREL

With one crisis seemingly leading on to the next, the field of international criminal justice appears to be in perpetual crisis.

Opinion – Japan-South Korea Relations: Breaking the Cycle?

1729192035 from E-INTREL

As Japan and South Korea share similar values, they would benefit from strengthening bilateral ties.

Review – The Red Suitcase

1728978253 from E-INTREL

This film is an evocative portrayal of the impacts of the most recent civic protests in Iran, and an example of the importance of protest filmography in social messaging.

Thinking Global Podcast – David Anderson

1728935744 from E-INTREL

David Anderson speaks with the Thinking Global team in the first of our two-part series on Judith N. Shklar and International Relations.

Democracy Support and the European Parliament

1728837647 from E-INTREL

The Parliament has been creative in developing instruments to send its message and pays attention to the rise of challengers and to the drivers of autocratization.

With Hezbollah’s Retaliation Strategy in Disarray, Israel and Iran Brace for War

1728820796 from E-INTREL

The complete disintegration of Iran’s nuclear facilities are unlikely, but an acute downgrading of Iran’s nuclear capacity can be achieved.

The Oslo Process: The Façade of Peace between Palestine and Israel

1728721051 from E-INTREL

Oslo facilitated the territorial dispossession, economic dependency, and political fragmentation of Palestine as it was set up to bolster Israel’s occupational regime.

Interview – Marco Siddi

1728669163 from E-INTREL

Marco Siddi discusses shifting EU-Russia relations and the attitudes to a green energy transition within the EU, as well as the diplomatic efforts needed for its success.

Review – The Return of Great Powers

1728668240 from E-INTREL

Sciutto provides a thought-provoking examination of the interactions between great powers, despite a misleading title and omission of the role of smaller regional powers.

Evaluating the Repercussions of the Chagos Islands Sovereignty Deal

1728648072 from E-INTREL

The decision of the UK to cede control of the Chagos Archipelago to Mauritius is significant and not without risks, yet much of the commentary has been hyperbolic and unhelpful.

Opinion – On Gerontology

1728559189 from E-INTREL

While the views of youth are important for consideration, sometimes a little bit of elder wisdom and experience also matters.

How Racial Injustice Undermines Democracy Promotion

1728499245 from E-INTREL

Authoritarian condemnations of American racial injustice are insincerely designed to target US domestic failings and arrest democracy promotion overseas.

Thinking Global Podcast – Chase Oliver

1728328057 from E-INTREL

Chase Oliver, the US Libertarian Party’s Nominee for the 2024 Presidential Elections, speaks about Libertarian foreign policy, intervention, immigration and more.

Now Recruiting – Middle East Editors

1728216501 from E-INTREL

We are seeking volunteer editors (students at all levels are welcome) to join us and help us to fill a vital space for dialogues on Middle East affairs.

Analysing the Justiciability of Social and Economic Rights

1728209076 from E-INTREL

Arguments against SERs' justiciability—on grounds of their ‘costly’ nature, vagueness, intangibility, and the incapacity of courts—prove counterproductive and misguided.

Opinion – The Hidden Genocide Behind Uyghur Forced Labor

1728054113 from E-INTREL

Forced labor ultimately serves China’s goal of minimizing the financial costs of genocide while accelerating the eradication of the Uyghur people.

Call of Duty and Our Geopolitical Reality

1727859332 from E-INTREL

The highest grossing video game franchise of all time will soon launch its latest installment, but we should be paying more attention to a 2012 predecessor.

The Next Challenge for Bangladesh’s 2024 Uprising

1727858679 from E-INTREL

Arendt’s concept of natality provides a valuable framework as it emphasizes the need for ongoing creativity, engagement, and the establishment of new possibilities.

Beijing’s Charm Offensive: China’s Soft Power Projection in Central Asia

1727763450 from E-INTREL

China's education diplomacy in CARs elucidates the intricacies of building cultural affinity, the nuances of alignment, and the synergy between hard and soft power.

Interview – Klaus Dodds

1727682618 from E-INTREL

Klaus Dodds reflects on the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the Arctic Council, and the impacts of Russian claims of hydrocarbon reserves in the Antarctic.

‘Worse Than a Dictatorship’: Rwanda’s 2024 General Election

1727627432 from E-INTREL

In polls that were immediately criticised for disqualifying genuine opposition, Rwanda's incumbent president Paul Kagame was ostentatiously elected for a fourth term.

Opinion – Georgia’s Embrace of Discrimination

1727626512 from E-INTREL

The Georgian Dream Party seeks to ban pride marches, censor the media, ban the public endorsement of LGBTQ+ relationships, deny gender-affirming care, and outlaw same-sex marriage and adoption.

Opinion – Europe Cannot Ignore the Republican Party’s Shifting Foreign Policy Playbook

1727519680 from E-INTREL

Europe must adapt to changing expectations from three competing Republican foreign policy schools or face the geostrategic consequences.

Opinion – Israel’s Two Front War

1727518691 from E-INTREL

Whatever happens next in the region, the risks of a broader war (although unlikely) cannot be ruled out – especially when considering an Iranian response.

The 2024 Elections, Disinformation, Cyberattacks and the Possibility of Insurgency in the US

1727388527 from E-INTREL

Russia, China, and Iran believe the American house is burning, and evidence suggest they might loot it as it burns.

Opinion – How Global Politics Exploits Women’s Health

1727159061 from E-INTREL

Attacks on women’s health are central to conflict, ranging from slow attrition of restrictions or barriers to accessing women’s health to direct bombing of maternity hospitals.

A Geopolitical “Furia Roja”? The European Union and Spain’s EURO 2024 Victory

1727157151 from E-INTREL

In both soccer and geopolitics, the key to success lies in the ability to bring together diverse strengths into a cohesive, adaptable, and formidable whole.

How the Islamic State Weaponizes Imitation in Its Propaganda

1727155610 from E-INTREL

Aggressive imitation is meant not only to justify IS’s violence but to express its worldview—of restoring Muslim honour by avenging the humiliation Muslims have suffered.

Opinion – Omens for Uruguay’s Presidential Elections

1727108037 from E-INTREL

Uruguay’s reputation as South America’s most secure state is well-earned, yet economic uncertainty, rising crime and the Venezuela crisis require increased international cooperation.

Opinion – Beijing’s Weaponisation of Diplomacy Against Taiwan

1727106568 from E-INTREL

China has been systematically poaching Taiwan’s diplomatic allies over the last several years as part of a systematic campaign.

Northern Ireland as a Sacrifice Zone: The Lough Neagh Crisis

1727003418 from E-INTREL

Northern Ireland remains vulnerable to exploitation by corporate interests and governmental neglect which sacrifices public health and environmental integrity for financial gain.

Interview – Kristin Anabel Eggeling

1727003210 from E-INTREL

Kristin Eggeling discusses digital sovereignty, the incorporation of digitalisation in diplomacy, and the impact of new research methodologies on international relations.

Opinion – The Future of the Bangladesh Awami League

1726755579 from E-INTREL

The question of whether Bangladesh’s political future will be shaped by language or by goals will define the path to reconciliation in the years to come.

Opinion – Double Standards and Media Bias in Israel’s War on Gaza

1726754692 from E-INTREL

Palestinians have paid the price with their lives and livelihoods as American and European policymakers and media outlets continue to defend Israel.

Review – Navalny

1726728996 from E-INTREL

This film provides an unfiltered view of Alexei Navalny as a Russian opposition leader, shedding important light on controversies and conspiracies in Russian politics.

Thinking Global Podcast – Marsha Henry

1726662300 from E-INTREL

Marsha Henry speaks about her latest book ‘The End of Peacekeeping’, peacekeeping research, black feminism, anthropology, critical race theory, conflict, and more.

Opinion – Injustice Paves the Way for Revolution: Lessons from Bangladesh

1726589129 from E-INTREL

Bangladesh’s recent revolution is a powerful reminder that injustices, when left unchecked, inevitably sow the seeds of resistance and rebellion.

Gender and Weaponization of Healthcare in Conflict: A Feminist Discourse Analysis

1726569463 from E-INTREL

The gendered analysis of weaponization of healthcare reveals how when it is combined with sexual violence women are exposed to a compounded form of violence.

Review – How Migration Really Works

1726384788 from E-INTREL

De Haas robustly deconstructs migration myths, challenges preconceptions and provokes reflection, but alternatives to a solutionist policy perspective remain understated.

Interview – Preethi Amaresh

1726384729 from E-INTREL

Preethi Amaresh talks about the evolving role of cyber diplomacy, initiatives to promote cyber peace, and India's foreign policy and the potential role of paradiplomacy.

Opinion – Neutrality: The Schrödinger’s Cat of IR

1726240544 from E-INTREL

The idea of a neutral relation is illogical, and hence we should stop using this term in the International Relations discourse.

Join Our Team as an International Relations Commissioning Editor

1726226096 from E-INTREL

Would you like to volunteer some time to help us bring the latest research to the largest Politics and IR academic audience on the internet?

Interview – Maciej Bazela

1726053901 from E-INTREL

Maciej Bazela discusses neo-fascism, including its resurgence in Latin America, the use of social media by neo-fascist movements, and potential countermeasures.

Review – Baltimore

1726040476 from E-INTREL

Baltimore highlights the contrast between the personal and political during the Irish conflict, but opportunities to understand the roots of radicalisation are limited.

‘Through the Eyes of Love’: Looking at International Politics Differently

1725971578 from E-INTREL

Love brings in another perspective and helps us to see the beautiful and the good in international relations.

Post-Positivism Is Not Yet Normalized in International Relations

1725962810 from E-INTREL

To lessen the impact of power differences in International Relations, we should allocate the right to make authoritative criticism to more people.